author Sara Thornton DVM iCandy RagaMuffins
During this time of self isolation, I am doing on line shopping like a lot of other people. Unlike many people, I am buying litter boxes. For some reason, there are good deals with free shipping available.
I am focusing on litter boxes with high sides. I am tired of sweeping up what seems to be a ton of litter around the box. I looked for 3 high sides with one lower side for easy access. Most of my cats are youngish and healthy and will have no issues getting in.
For the part of the house that my older cat stays in, I will keep lower sided boxes. Petals has arthritis and even though she is treated for it, I want to make sure she has no issues getting into the box.
I also increased the size of most of my boxes to jumbo or extra large. While I scoop them all daily and some twice daily, I find I am replenishing the litter frequently in the smaller boxes. So, I figure a box that easily holds twenty pounds of the unscented clumpable litter I use should have enough litter for a bit longer time. In addition, some of my RagaMuffins are sizable cats. Cats really should not have to squeeze into their bathroom.
There was a new design available that I thought I would try along with the more traditional style. It has more curving sides and so far, I really like it! It is easy to scoop, no getting stuck in the corners.
I never buy covered boxes. Cats generally are not crazy about them. I did have one and the cats always used the uncovered box next to it. Once I took the cover off, the cats started using both boxes.
The down side of choosing boxes is the limit in colors. While I was able to get one style in a shade of pink, most of the boxes I chose were black or gray. I realize the cats really don’t care, but I would like more choices.
Hopefully, the kitties will appreciate their new toilet facilities. I took waaaaaay too much time making decisions.